The “Why” of SPG

Hey y’all! SPG founder, Parker Simpson here 👋🏻

As a former therapeutic foster parent of nearly a dozen teens, I understand how integral it is to form bonds through shared experiences and to find joy when life is messy. Games are a relatively universal tradition that help bring together folks from all walks of life and can be a fantastic way to bridge the gaps between different social spaces. 

In our home, I saw firsthand the unifying effects that simple card games like Uno and Exploding Kittens could have on kids from hard places. Even teens from tragic backgrounds would start to come out of their shells when sitting down for some wholesome, unassuming playtime. Understandable distrust towards adults made it difficult for these kids to feel comfortable in a stranger’s home, but when presented with a safe space to just be a kid, some of them began to cautiously let their shields down. 

Sharing genuine laughter around a table for a twenty-minute game is like a beacon of light when the realities of life feel dark or tense. 

Emboldened by these experiences, I turned my creative focus toward bringing to life games that might give those same feelings of joy and connection to others 🖤

Happy gaming! ✌🏻

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